Event Title
Can Science and Religious Faith Cohabit?
Aimee Riemke
Organization Name
Greencroft Communities
(574) 537-4150
Event Link
Start Date
Start Time
02:00 pm
End Date
End Time
03:30 pm
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Venue Name
Greencroft Goshen Community Center
Event Address
1820 Greencroft Blvd Goshen, Indiana United States Map It
Short Description of Event
Sept. 28, 30, Oct. 5, 7 | 2-3:30 p.m.
Are vaccines safe? Are the Genesis 1 and 2 accounts compatible with science? Did Darwin make religious faith unnecessary? Why are some people of Christian faith leery of, if not hostile toward, science and scientists? In the first session we will address the characteristics of science, the Bible as a source of science, and the types of evidence we bring to science/faith discussions. In session two we will explore barriers to communication and the role of bias and misinformation. In session three we will address philosophical and scientific issues that appear to cause threat to Christians. In the final session we will consider some contemporary sources of science/faith tension, e.g. climate, vaccines, teaching of evolution. Duane Kauffmann is retired professor of psychology and instructor in marine biology at Goshen College. Attend either in-person or virtually.
Cost is $40 or $20 for LLI members. Register at http://life-learn.org/