Member Celebrations


Ribbon Cuttings and Ground Breakings are a great way to bring attention:

  • Grand Opening
  • New location
  • Renovation/Remodeling/Expansion
  • Significant Anniversary (25, 40, 50)
  • Event Opening

Chamber will provide the following:

  • Member Celebration Coordinator to help you create a successful event
  • Announcement in the Chamber weekly e-newsletter one week prior to the event
  • Photo with caption in the Leading Business magazine and Facebook post
  • Invitation emailed to local dignitaries including Mayor, City Council, Chamber President, Board of Directors and Ambassadors
  • Official Scissors and Red Ribbon


Member will provide the following:

  • Promotion of the event. Including Invitations to your customers, clients, vendors and partners.
  • Remarks at the event. You will have the attention of your guests; be strategic with the opportunity to share information about your organization.
  • Location. Decide where to make the
    presentation. Consider time of day, light, weather and size of the group.
  • Ideas to customize the event to reflect your organization.
  • Another color or type of ribbon, if desired




To schedule a Member Celebration for your business or organization please complete the online form.

(* required)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Upcoming Events