Event Title
  YWCA Safe Haven Fundraiser
  Stephanie Krol
Organization Name
  YWCA Safe Haven Elkhart
  (574) 233-9491
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  YWCA Safe Haven Fundraiser Goes Live!
YWCA Fundraiser for Elkhart Shelter Will Be Broadcast on WHME TV

Elkhart, IN- YWCA North Central Indiana is thrilled to announce a partnership with WHME TV to host live on television the 6th annual SOS fundraising event to support the Safe Haven domestic violence shelter in Elkhart.
The show, complete with silent and live auctions, will be hosted by Elkhart native Chuck Freeby on April 30th at 7 pm. In addition to being broadcast on Channel 46, it will also be live streamed on the YWCA North Central Indiana’s Facebook page and on You Tube. The televised event will donors to show their support for the shelter, and its work to keep women and children safe, all from the safety of their own homes.
“We are excited for this opportunity to reach out to the supporters of our Safe Haven Shelter on television,” said YWCA CEO Susan Tybon. “Because of COVID-19 we were afraid we would have to cancel our only fundraiser for the Safe Haven Shelter. Sadly, domestic violence doesn’t stop because of a pandemic and many women and children need our help now more than ever,” added Tybon. Supporters of Safe Haven will be able to make donations and bid on auction items using their smart phones. Pre-registration is easy, secure, and just takes a moment at www.givegrove.com/sos.
Last year alone, nearly 1,000 women and children found safety and hope at Safe Haven shelter where victims of domestic violence receive not only safe shelter but also programs and services to help them heal and build new lives.
For more information, or to sponsor the event please contact Amanda Ceravolo, VP of Development & Communications at aceravolo@ywcancin.org or Jena Perkins, Event Coordinator at jperkins@ywcancin.org or call 574-233-9491.

SOS LIVE BENEFIT APRIL 30, 2020 7 PM on WHME, Channel 46

As part of the YWCA of North Central Indiana, the YWCA’s Safe Haven Elkhart County provides emergency shelter and services for victims of domestic violence and their children. Services include housing, counseling, childcare, case management, and legal services. For more information or to make a donation visit www.ywcancin.org.

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