Event Title
Milford Food Bank Gobble Up Hunger
Angie Deak
Organization Name
Milford Food Bank
(574) 527-4796
Event Link
Start Date
Start Time
04:00 pm
End Date
End Time
08:00 pm
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Venue Name
Milford Elementary School
Event Address
611 W Emeline St Milford, Indiana United States Map It
Short Description of Event
The 4th Annual Milford Food Bank Gobble Up Hunger fundraiser is a jam-packed evening of fun.
• It all starts with a 2 mile fun run/walk. Then you can Gobble Up a HAYSTACK DINNER with all the toppings. Carry-outs will be available and freewill donations accepted for dinner.
• Then grab some dessert from the BAKE SALE that'll be loaded with baked goods of all kinds!
• Cap the evening off with our LIVE AUCTION in the gym where you can bid on business packages, sporting goods, housewares, local gift certificates, plus event and trip packages from local businesses and organizations.
It's sure to be a fun time supporting Milford Food Bank and our mission to eradicate food insecurity in our area. We appreciate the community's continued support of our ministry.
All details and sponsorship opportunities can be found at www.milfordfoodbank.org/gobbleuphunger or tap/click "Tickets" here in the event info to register as an auction bidder*