Event Title
Film Series
Aimee Riemke
Organization Name
Greencroft Communities
(574) 537-4150
Event Link
Start Date
Start Time
01:00 pm
End Date
End Time
04:00 pm
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Venue Name
Greencroft Goshen Community Center
Event Address
1820 Greencroft Blvd Goshen, Indiana United States Map It
Short Description of Event
Four film-goers will present and lead discussions of favorite films. Oct. 12: Adrienne Nesbitt, Inside Out (95 min.), a Pixar animation of a 5-year old girl’s outer and inner life. Oct. 19: Ervin Beck, Grand Budapest Hotel (100 min.), a comic adventure in Eastern Europe between the World Wars. Oct. 26: Kyle Hufford, What Lies Inside: Healing in the Face of Trauma (125 min.), documentary studying the darkness that binds us to our suffering. Nov. 2: Jo-Ann Brant, Departures (Japan, 130 min.), an unemployed cellist trains to prepare the dead for funerals. Each film will be viewed in one sitting, with brief introductions and follow-up discussions, so each session will exceed normal LLI classes in length. Ervin Beck, co-ordinator, is Professor Emeritus of English at Goshen College.
Cost is $40 or $20 for LLI members. Visit http://life-learn.org/ to register.