Excel Center Accepting Enrollment Applications – Term 4

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Excel Center Accepting Enrollment Applications – Term 4

February 7, 2022

The Excel Center, a free public high school for adults, is currently accepting Enrollment Applications for Term 4 of the 2021-2022 School Year. Classes begin February 1st at Excel’s South Bend location and February 7th at Elkhart. Applications are accepted at any time throughout each term and new students are integrated into the schedule. Those interested can apply online at: www.ExcelCenterHS.org. The application is free and takes less than 10 minutes to complete. New students are encouraged to contact The Excel Center for more information and assistance completing their application. Visitors are welcome from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm any day The Excel Center is open. The Excel Center is a free public high school offering adults 18 years and older an opportunity to earn an Indiana Core 40 High School Diploma (not a GED) and college credit or industry certification. Excel Centers are located in Elkhart at: 2626 Prairie Street (in River of Life Church) and in South Bend at: 2721 Kenwood Avenue (entrance shared w/ Amtrak at North Meade & Orange Streets). Classes are conducted by licensed teachers in eight-week sessions and an individual academic plan is developed for each student. Free child care is available and a life coach is assigned to provide guidance on balancing family, work and other priorities. For more information, call: (574) 404-7109 temporary number for the Elkhart location and (574) 314-5570 for the South Bend site.


February 7, 2022
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